#30DaysofGoddess February Practice Update
A Year of Goddess Magic continues as step into a month of Creativity
Happy Imbolc! Welcome to February and the continuation of our Year of Goddess Magic.
The theme for this month is Create and the goddess we are honoring is Kali Ma.
Reminder: the main home page for the #30DaysofGoddess practice with all the resources to support it is here.
This month’s video is embedded directly above AND your free practice resources are right here below as downloadable files:
You may sense an invitation,
a possibility,
a dream.
Let it alight gently in your open palms.
Gaze into its glittering eyes,
feel courage arise within you,
feel curiosity kindle inside you.
Take a deep breath.
Lean into the expansive.
Step forward.
The door is open.
Welcome to February's #30DaysofGoddess practice!
Reminder: The Goddess Magic community on Patreon offers a daily experience in seasonal magic, living your magic, and everyday enchantment. Our devotional rhythm there includes additions/resources for #30DaysofGoddess several days of the week all year long.
The theme for #30DaysofGoddess this month is Create. Everything you need for February's practice including a brand new 20 minute practice video, your sampler pack of printables, and monthly snapshot cards are included for you right in this newsletter. You are also welcome to check out the practice homepage: #30DaysofGoddess.
If you're a member of the Goddess Magic community on Patreon, your additional resources and printables for February are here.
February Practice Update!
Companion materials:
20 minute practice video: Create
Expansions for Goddess Magic community members
New book: The Sacred Flame
Imbolc Replenish Retreat (February 3)
Our Simple and Sacred virtual circle for February will be on Saturday, February 15 at 7:00 (central US time). The new Zoom link is here.
The Power of Daily Practice...
Consider the invitation
of sacred possibility.
Open doorways.
Heart listening.
Settling into center.
Stepping into
and through.
the breath
of grace.Let us return
to the practices
that sustain us
and the prayers
that inspire us.
Let us plant our feet
on the earth
and steady ourselves.
Let us drop into our bellies
and refill our souls
from the current of the sacred
that runs beneath our lives.
Let us lay our hands
against our hearts
and connect to the pulse
of purpose that beats there
sacred and strong.
Once again, we remember that daily practice is not about perfection. It is not even about being elated by everyday magic and stunned by ordinary beauty, though this happens too. It is about making a space for the sacred and for yourself in your very own life. It is about being present, about showing up for life itself as it unfolds, bearing witness to what is, inhabiting the miracle you are invited to live each day. Daily practice is soul care, checking in, being here for your own life. Daily practice helps us to relate to the sacred as a relational and reliable presence in our lives.
Let us crack ourselves open.
Let truth pour out.
Reminder: Simple and Sacred
This virtual circle is usually offered live monthly on the second Friday of the month. In February, our schedule is slightly different and our circle will take place on Zoom on Saturday, February 15th with an Imbolc/Creativity theme.
Live circles are open to anyone on the #30DaysofGoddess newsletter list (that’s you!), replays are available for the Patreon community only. You will get an access link via email for the Zoom room one hour before we begin.
Thanks for being here!
It is a time to run your hands
over what you've created
and what you've done
with appreciation
and with acceptance,
a time to honor your commitments,
to celebrate your successes,
to release your disappointments.
A time to say:
this is good,
this is enough,
and to sit back smiling,
satisfied with what you hold.
It is a time to trust the liminal
and to savor the pause.
Soon enough,
you'll be invited to step forward
across the threshold
into a new year
and all its possibilities.
For now, we wait.
We listen.
We wonder.
We are content.
Much love,